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Highlighting Public Figures of the Rio Grande Valley.


Elon Musk

Beyond Politics




Elon Musk: Member of the human race residing on Earth.

Star Rating: 5.0


One way or another, whether you like it or not; Elon Musk has been forever etched into history, and has permanently changed the landscape of the great state of Texas.  More specifically, the entire region that is now known and recognized as the Rio Grande Valley. When seen from outer space, just a tiny dot on the globe. It is geographically placed in a location that is in the right place, at the right time. Thrust into the global spotlight when Space X and Star Base strategically chose to call it home.


From a Foodie’s objective perspective, here is some legit food for thought:

  • Fact #1: US Census data for 2022 reported 1,402,340 persons now reside in the Rio Grande Valley.


  • Fact #2: From 2010 to 2022 there was an increase of 11.19% in population change in the Rio Grande Valley - with the majority of growth from non-Hispanics:


-       A growing influx of educated professionals from the Republic of India.

-       A Growing influx of educated professionals from the Philippines.

-       A growing influx of educated professionals from the Middle East.      

-       An ever-growing influx of aerospace engineers and technicians from all over the U.S. being recruited to work                    for Space X in the Brownsville/Boca Chica area.


Whether you believe it or not; He has also made it possible for an entire generation of RGV natives to dream and aspire to become rocket scientists, engineers, technicians, and the entrepreneurs of the 21st century - ensuring that the American dream lives on.


With that said, let us share a quote from Elon Musk which is generally considered, mysterious subject matter that eludes most unless they've taken Physics 101:

“I tend to approach things from a physics framework. And physics teaches you to reason from first principles rather than by analogy.”


So, what exactly does that mean and how does his quote differentiate Elon Musk from all the entrepreneurs and businessmen – current and past?


First principles thinking requires you to break down previous assumptions and barriers of problems to create a completely innovative solution. In contrast, reasoning by analogy is solving problems based on prior assumptions and widely accepted best practices.


In layman’s terms: Tradition - inherited, established, or customary patterns of thoughts and practices that lead to assumptions utilized to arrive at a conclusion that leaves us with a set of quasi-solutions.


His no other/alternative use of current capitalism and its ever-present ideology to realize his dreams, while perhaps, also circumventing the possibility that we, as the human race, won’t figure out or implement the solutions needed in time – are a small price to pay and worth the gamble, if all our theological/ecclesiastical and atheist beliefs, claimed as sacred and absolute, don’t save us from human extinction. Whether it be Gods will or not, and punishment for our self-induced and self-destructive behavioral tendencies – what do we have to lose?


We personally have a deep faith and believe that we no longer can afford to use “God” or his “Nemesis” as a crutch to excuse our reluctance to “own” our faults and shortcomings. And, whether you believe in a God and/or prophecy or not – free will – is still an option and perhaps the only solution for redemption, and a chance for our children’s children to experience the sanctity of life - another day.


As for all the people speaking out against him and his methodology, which we find painfully disheartening, a sanctimonious stance taken that is both selfish and shortsighted. Ironically, some of the same people who object to what he’s doing are fine and good, so long as it’s not in their backyards.


In the final analysis, we, the Rio Grande Valley are at a crossroads: that moment in time when crucial decisions must be made that will have far-reaching consequences, not just for Boca Chica, but for the entire region. Essentially, we are faced with two less-than-perfect options – your choice – when it’s all said and done.


  1. Reframe the context of the entire situation by embracing, encouraging, and supporting the challenges, yet to be met, by a person who’s never been more prepared and capable to beat the odds – achieving results only once imagined.


Think about it!


  1. OR complete this sentence and post your comments on Facebook and Twitter.


Ultimately, it’s up to all of us to work together and nurture the RGV into a more inclusive and prosperous place for everyone to live in and call their home.


The American dream is still very much alive and well - boots and all.


Signing off!


El güero y su compañero,


¡Viva El Rio Grande Valley!

RGV | RGV2foodies

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Derick Garcia – Food4Thought

Star Rating: 5.0


Yes, we’re consistently saying in our reviews that it’s all about the food! But today’s review is about the person holding food suppliers and restauranteurs accountable in the public eye - when it comes to health and safety regulations in the Rio Grande Valley.


From a “foodie’s” perspective we often take for granted that Customer Service is of utmost importance; Cleanliness should be a definite given; A Price Point/Value that’s fair and reasonable would be appreciated; And of course, the perfect Ambiance would complete that special night out on the town. But what happens when the rules of the game aren’t followed or enforced?


For the sake of getting to the meat and potatoes of this review, let’s simplify a complicated subject matter of “cleanliness” when it comes to Food Suppliers and Restaurants meeting those standards according to their respective State/Federal Health and Safety regulations.


Safe steps in food handling, cooking, and storage are essential in preventing foodborne illness. You can't see, smell, or taste harmful bacteria that may cause illness. In every step of food preparation, follow the four guidelines to keep food safe:

  • Clean—Wash hands and surfaces often.

  • Separate—Don't cross-contaminate.

  • Cook—Cook to proper temperatures, checking with a food thermometer.

  • Chill—Refrigerate promptly.


Again, this is simply the tip of the iceberg (lettuce) when it comes to health and safety. 😊


The basics that seem simple and straight forward when cleanliness in all things food related should be a definite given. But it’s NOT!


Herein lies the reason for sharing the story of Derick Garcia; A “Hometown Boy Does Good” narrative that elicits pride and instills faith in the American Dream - Alive and well – by the grace of God.


Derick was born and raised in Brownsville, Texas, and has a passion for his Rio Grande Valley community.

His passion for reporting extends to the stories he brings to light.


Following a four-year enlistment in the United States Navy, Derick graduated from Texas State University-San Marcos with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies. While in college, Derick was a radio DJ at KTSW, 89.9 and an anchor for La Bella Vida variety show. In addition to staying active in school, Derick completed an internship for the “Jason and Deb Morning Show” and “No Control Radio” at 101 XFM.


No stranger to Valley news, Derick was a producer for CBS 4 in Harlingen. Following his time there, Derick produced news for Time Warner Cable News, a 24-hour news station in downtown Austin.


With years of experience in a professional newsroom, Derick is here to report real stories that matter to the community he loves.


So, what better way to thank this veteran for his service to town and country then to give credit where credit is due. To that end, we want to formally thank Derick and CBS 4 for this vital service to our community. Your team keeps us informed and safe.


Be part of the Food Patrol! When you see dirty habits, please send Derick photos/videos and a copy of the complaint you filed to your local health department to News@KVEO.COM


Norma Sepulveda – Immigration and Criminal Defense Attorney, Current Mayor - Harlingen, Texas

Star Rating: 5.0


The context of today’s review is how we choose to “frame” Norma Sepulveda’s mayoral win on May 7, 2022. As you all know, we are “Foodies” not Political Pundits.


So, let us start our full-course meal with a tantalizing Appetizer:


  • We willingly moved to Harlingen in late 2010, and though we’re not RGV natives, we think it’s important to share our point of view with the people we have embraced as our neighbors, and the town we chose to call home.


Using a piece of art as an analogy, and suggesting that painters paint the picture first and then worry about the frame – is commonplace for most artists. But, in persuasive communications, you need to do the opposite: choose the frame first and then paint your word picture. If you manage the frame, you manage the message.


People have long known, and psychologists have recently confirmed, that changing perspective can change conclusions drawn and the choices made. In one disturbing example, even physicians were more apt to recommend a procedure with a 90% survival rate than one with a 10% mortality rate. How we look at something has a significant - often decisive - effect on the final decision. Expert persuaders pay as much attention to the frame as they do to the objective facts.


Moving on to the Main Dish – Gazpacho, made of organic, raw Facts: served cold, gazpacho is a meal that feels healthy and refreshing like a salad, but it has a heartier feel, making it particularly well-suited for dinner on hot summer nights.

  • Fact #1: We did not vote for her. We voted for incumbent mayor Chris Boswell who served as mayor since 2007. It just so happened that when we arrived here, my family was actively involved in serving his administration in bettering the lives of “all” the people of Harlingen. And, whether you maintain that all the progress that could have been achieved – was or wasn’t – and whether just a select few benefitted from that progress, is a matter of how you frame the analysis and interpret the data.


From a Foodie’s non-partisan perspective, here is some legit food for thought:

  • Fact #2: US Census data for 2022 reported 1,402,340 persons now reside in the Rio Grande Valley.

  • Fact #3: From 2010 to 2022 there was an increase of 11.19% in population change in the Rio Grande Valley - with the majority of growth from non-Hispanics:

-       A growing influx of educated professionals from the Republic of India.

-       A Growing influx of educated professionals from the Philippines.

-       A growing influx of educated professionals from the Middle East.      

-       An ever-growing influx of aerospace engineers and technicians from all over the U.S. is being recruited to work for                 Space X in the Brownsville/Boca Chica area.


So, whose administration is responsible for holding back the overall progress of Harlingen since it was incorporated on April 15, 1910 - when the population totaled 1,126 persons and the local economy was almost entirely agricultural?


Whose administration is solely responsible for holding back the progress of what the “outside” world considers the fastest growing tertiary market in the US because (Mc Allen, Brownsville, Harlingen, and all the smaller towns in between) still plan and govern themselves as separate municipalities – instead of an organized and united Rio Grande Valley, that should offer opportunities to natives and outsiders alike?


Lastly, whose administration is wholly responsible for the fact that it took Harlingen roughly 112 years to elect its first female mayor?


I reckon with that said, we can wrap up the leftovers of our main dish and wait for the last course while sipping on a cup of frothy cappuccino to digest a quote from Pieter Geyl, a Dutch historian - “History is an argument without end.”

Finally, the last course in today’s meal - serving our featured Dessert:


The admirable and exemplary mayor that Harlingen was waiting and craving for - Norma Sepulveda - honoring her with our “spotlight” during Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day. Celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women from all around the world, reaffirming women be recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic, or political.


A native of the Rio Grande Valley; Norma earned her degrees at the University of Texas at Brownsville and Thurgood Marshall School of Law. She is a member of the Texas State Bar. She champions the cause of immigrant rights as a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA). And, if that weren’t enough on her plate, she serves as Harlingen’s mayor – while balancing time for her husband and two boys.


Yes, this is the beginning of a new era, where her leadership can influence, inspire, and determine the possibilities for the future of Harlingen, and the entire Rio Grande Valley. Whether she succeeds at reaching her political goals or not – what it took to get here is living proof that the American dream is alive and well. Imagine, all the personal rendered sacrifices endured by her and her family to achieve what few can claim. Insignificant to the ignorant and uninformed, but historical and monumental to those who understand what transpired on that day when she won the election to become, the first female mayor of Harlingen, Texas.


Mayor, you have our complete support and our heartfelt prayers to succeed beyond everyone’s most ambitious dreams!


A note of gratitude and a nod of respect to all the previous administrations and the people who did their best to serve Harlingen as Public Servants. Thank you.


Con todo corazón – gracias!

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Derick Garcia, Star Rating: 5.0


Yes, we’re consistently saying in our reviews that it’s all about the food! But today’s review is about the person holding food suppliers and restauranteurs accountable in the public eye - when it comes to health and safety regulations in the Rio Grande Valley.


From a “foodie’s” perspective we often take for granted that Customer Service is of utmost importance; Cleanliness should be a definite given; A Price Point/Value that’s fair and reasonable would be appreciated; And of course, the perfect Ambiance would complete that special night out on the town. But what happens when the rules of the game aren’t followed or enforced?


For the sake of getting to the meat and potatoes of this review, let’s simplify the complicated subject matter of “cleanliness” when it comes to Food Suppliers and Restaurants meeting those standards according to their respective State/Federal Health and Safety regulations.


Safe steps in food handling, cooking, and storage are essential in preventing foodborne illness. You can't see, smell, or taste harmful bacteria that may cause illness. In every step of food preparation, follow the four guidelines to keep food safe: ​

Clean—Wash hands and surfaces often.


Separate—Don't cross-contaminate.

Cook—Cook to proper temperatures, checking with a food thermometer.

Chill—Refrigerate promptly.

Again, this is simply the tip of the iceberg (lettuce) when it comes to health and safety.


The basics that seem simple and straightforward when cleanliness in all things food-related should be a definite given. But it’s NOT!


Herein lies the reason for sharing the story of Derick Garcia; A “Hometown Boy Does Good” narrative that elicits pride and instills faith in the American Dream - Alive and well – by the grace of God.


Derick was born and raised in Brownsville, Texas, and has a passion for his Rio Grande Valley community. His passion for reporting extends to the stories he brings to light.


Following a four-year enlistment in the United States Navy, Derick graduated from Texas State University-San Marcos with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies. While in college, Derick was a radio DJ at KTSW, 89.9, and an anchor for the La Bella Vida variety show. In addition to staying active in school, Derick completed an internship for the “Jason and Deb Morning Show” and “No Control Radio” at 101 XFM.


No stranger to Valley news, Derick was a producer for CBS 4 in Harlingen. Following his time there, Derick produced news for Time Warner Cable News, a 24-hour news station in downtown Austin.


With years of experience in a professional newsroom, Derick is here to report real stories that matter to the community he loves.


So, what better way to thank this veteran for his service to town and country then to give credit where credit is due. To that end, we want to formally thank Derick and CBS 4 for this vital service to our community. Your team keeps us informed and safe.


Be part of the Food Patrol! When you see dirty habits, please send Derick photos/videos and a copy of the complaint you filed to your local health department to News@KVEO.COM

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